If you work full-time, regular school hours may not be sufficient to cover the time you are away from home. Your child may need extended hours, before and/or after school. While there are many options from which to choose, it is critical to choose a quality after school program in Burlington that is suitable for your child. After school programs are instrumental in developing skills, knowledge, and character. Although cost and location are important, meeting the needs and interests of your child should be an important factor when choosing an after school program.
Numerous studies have indicated that a quality after school program can provide several positive effects. These include:
Enhanced school participation, fewer absences from school and a higher probability of remaining in school
Reduced likelihood of participating in risky behaviours, often when children get together with time on their hands and little supervision
Improved academic performance, higher likelihood of graduating and going on to post-secondary education
Improved health, as after school programs promote daily physical activity and healthy eating habits
Key characteristics of a quality after school program include:
A safe, healthy environment
A competent staff team experienced with the after school age group
A program that is fun, diverse, interesting to the children and not a reflection of what they just experienced in regular school
A place where students feel comfortable, receive help with homework, and where students are encouraged to make friends from a variety of backgrounds
Enriched activities and field trips on PA days and holidays
Brant Children’s Centre developed one of the first after school programs in Burlington over 45 years ago. It uses a fleet of buses to transport children to our large, air-conditioned facility. Children make friends from many different schools, a major asset of the program. Its experienced staff provide two recreational programs, one for younger children and one for older children. To inquire about our program and how it meets the characteristics of a quality program, please contact us today.